R. ethinking the days of our meeting...
E. nergetically we woke up and prepared the "best" breakfast for our fellow students...
N. othing can stop our passion..haha...
E. ncouraging one another to do the best...
W. aking up one another by bullying one another...
E. nthusiasm in us keep on moving...
D. ay for us to remember....
AS we look back to the past...
there are things that we can keep...
BUT there are things we need to put aside...
Dear, jiayou...
We pray and learn together in this journey of faith...
Love you...
E. nergetically we woke up and prepared the "best" breakfast for our fellow students...
N. othing can stop our passion..haha...
E. ncouraging one another to do the best...
W. aking up one another by bullying one another...
E. nthusiasm in us keep on moving...
D. ay for us to remember....
AS we look back to the past...
there are things that we can keep...
BUT there are things we need to put aside...
Dear, jiayou...
We pray and learn together in this journey of faith...
Love you...