Friday, January 31, 2020

Waiting 5.0

Waiting could be irritating, however it may lead to trust
Waiting could be exhausting, yet it boost my hope...

Dear dear, wait upon the Lord.. 
Love you

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Waiting 4.0

Waiting anxiously does concern
However, waiting patiently raises hope...
Waiting encourages us to pray
Thus, waiting awakens us for the future...

Dear dear, jiayou...
Love you..

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Waiting 3.0

Waiting produces creativity, 
Waiting stimulates patience, 
Waiting enjoys time with God and others...

Dear dear... 
Jiayou while we wait..

Love you

Waiting 2.0

Looking through the window, hoping for a letter...
Keep refreshing my app, hoping for a new email..
Gnashing my teeth, hoping for miracle.. 

Lord, the lesson of waiting is incomprehensible.. 

Dear dear, keep waiting and be patience..
Love you..

Waiting 1.0

Waiting is uneasy, 
Waiting could be uncomfortable, 
Waiting might leads to confusion, 
Waiting is unavoidable. 

Dear dear, 
I believe 2020 is a year of waiting and patience especially first 7 months.. 

Jiayou dear dear..
Love you

Friday, January 10, 2020



These words described my feeling today..