Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Blessed Christmas to my dear dear,
Blessed New Year to my dear dear,
Blessed 3rd Anniversary to my dear dear,

I pray that I'll walk and will continue to journey together with you as long as we could.

Loves you.. Muacks..

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Writing together

Writing our journal together brings along our memories together..
Literature brings our relationship nearer..
Literature keeps our heart warmth..
Literature endures weather and storms..
Literature does not limit our expression..

Dear, jiayou..
Keep up our journal together..
Loves you..

Monday, December 10, 2012

Knowing His way

Knowing His will seems to be most difficult task in our life.
As our life is filled with own voice, society noise and surrounded by people expectation.
But we still can learn to know His will as long as we are having relationship with Him.

Dear, jiayou.
Loves you...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Go, go, go

Go, go, go..
Go to a place where we can rest..
Go to a place where we can play..
Go to a place where we can laugh..
Go to a place where we can reflect..
Go to a place where we can enjoy..

Dear, jiayou..
Loves you..