Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Taiwan....Here we come...

Dear, I know that our feeling is quite different this time from last year...
I have the same feeling too.
Not too excited..Haha

But I pray that we will be refreshed throughout the whole conference.
Enjoy 2 days break there..


Love you...

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

It is a joy...

It is a joy that we can serve together,
It is a joy that we can counsel together,
It is a joy when we can laugh together,
It is a joy when we can learn together,
It is a joy when we see the need to compliment one another.

Dear, jiayou..

Love you..

Monday, June 4, 2012


In prayer we support one another..
In prayer we remember one another...
In prayer we love one another..


Only through prayer, our faith will be strengthened...
Only through prayer, our trust in Him will be firmer...

Dear, jiayou..
In Prayer We Serve....