Monday, August 31, 2009

Time is precious

Time is precious...We need to appreciate it more..
Time is precious...That's why we long to see one another...
Time is precious...Until its overcome our physical tiredness...
Time is us to care to share with one another...
Time is precious...We longs for God's guidance..
Time is precious...We longs for everlasting relationship...
Time is precious...We care for the past, present and the future..

Time is precious...

Jiayou dear..Love you..

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

13th Month

It's a day that we do not how to term it...
Whether we should keep it as monthiversary or anniversary...
We laughed and joked about it...
It's already 13th month that we have been together..
Besides that, few hundred days more...
Our relationship will be set into another level....

Dear, thank you for being with me no matter what situation it is..
Dear, thank you for being yourself and accepting me as your life partner too..
Dear, thank you for being "exceptionally" well in your understanding and care..

Dear, jiayou ohh...
Don't give up...
Love you..

Monday, August 17, 2009


T. rusting one another, path the way to long lasting relationship
R. esting in the shoulder of one party, give the strength to face all challenges
U. nderstanding deep commitment of one another, give us the strength and faith...
S. acrificing for the LOVE that created by the Lord is indeed sweet...
T. hanks to the Lord for the plan He has make...

Love you...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Stand by ME...

Thank you dear for standing with me;
even though you are weak
Thank you dear for standing with me;
even though we could not understand...what is happening...
Thank you dear for standing with me;
even though you are tired...
Thank you dear for standing with me;
even though you felt could not stand anymore...
Thank you dear for standing with me;
day by day...because of the faith, hope and love from God..

Thank you dear for standing with me..
Now and always..

Love you...Jiayou....

Monday, August 10, 2009


M. ore things to come when 1/1/2010 is over..
A. new challenge for both you and me...
S. eeing each other everyday...
S. neezing every morning...(definitely its me, not you...but you are going to lap my hingus rite...hahahaha)
G. oing to be massage by my dear darling, its a nice thing to have...
E. very day is the a new day that God has given to us...

Dear, thank you for every monday...your presence (and massage...)
gives me go on and on...

Love you....

Monday, August 3, 2009

Still remember??

Still remember the day that you had waited for 1 hour in blossom??
Still remember the day that you watched the movie until fall asleep??
Still remember the day that we "officially" went out and pak toh??..
Still remember the day that we "officially" hug hug one another??...
Still remember the day that we felt that we do not want to go apart??
Still remember the day??

Yes, its 3/8/08....
Today its 3/8/09...

Another so called "anniversary" for us...

Thank you for your love..
Jiayou...Love u...