Monday, November 25, 2013


Pondering on God's work and Word
Observing God's law
Surrendering ourselves to Him
Obliging to His will
Think about His love everyday 
Encouraging one another

Dear dear, 
Jiayou bah.. 
Loves you!! 

Saturday, November 16, 2013


For us.. 
Never easy 
Not properly plan
Felt inferior

For God..
Never too difficult 
The Holy Spirit will leads the Way
The Spirit will empower us
The Spirit will strengthened our faith..

Dear dear, yeah.. 
It's seem to impossible for us.. 
But it is always possible for God..
Loves you!! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013


Anxious about
- future
- present
- career
- family 
- health
- ministry

Jesus said to those who are weary and tired.. Come to Him, He will grant you rest and strength... 

Dear dear, jiayou!! 
No need to panick or anxious.. 
Coz God will lead us.. 
Loves you!! 

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


B. onding time together..
R. eflecting time together.. 
E. ncouraging time together.. 
A. time of encountering God together..
K. eeping step with the Lord