How long.... that we have to walk this path??
How long... that we need to goes through this tedious task?..
For how long... that we need to "suffer"??...
For how long... that w need to wait before we can embark next journey?...
For how long, Lord....
How long.. that we need to struggle??
How long... that we need to be in pain??
How will lasts??...
Lord, I know...
Lord, You know...
Lord, We know....
Here to protect us, guide us... empower us...strengthening our faith...
But we are as fragile as glass...
BUT we know as we overcome this "mountain".... we shall not be afraid of conquering another mountain in our life...
Help us to be patience...
Help us to be more loving..
Help us to be more caring..
Help us to be more edifying...
Help us to be more optimistic.. us...
Dear dear, jiayou!!...
In Christ, we can...
Love you....